A play full of laughter and no words, touching the smallest and greatest questions of existence.

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Theatre play:

What would have happened if four curious creatures discovered the tree of knowledge before Adam and Eve?
Three males, a female, an apple and the voice of God portray the connection between acts of God, human instinct, passion and love.

This story looks upon the myth of birth of humanity from a different point of view, using humor and fantasy, whilst dealing with the idea of “sin” and the price that humans pay for it.

Monkey Business it’s a street theatre visual allegory that using adventurous metaphors and fantasy, transform the humanity into a video game that is being leads by an heroic woman.

Creators & participants:

Creator and Director: Yinon Tzafrir
Co-director: Daniel Zafrani
Actors: Motty Sabag, Nimrod Ronen, Noa Frumermann and Yinon Tzafrir
Set Design: Miki Ben Knaan
Puppets and accessories: Sarah Pali and Tova Berman
Dramaturgy: Yifat Zandani Tzafrir
Light designer: Uri Morag
Artistic Consultant and Street Theater directive: Avraham Dana